Wednesday, 28 April 2010

UK General Election Drinking Game

Below are some suggestions for a drinking contest for this years UK General Election;

UK General Election Drinking Contest!

Come in the colour of a political party (either face paint or t shirts in that colour):

Labour =
Conservatives =
Liberals =
Greens =
Monster Raving Loony = Black
If you're a racist the BNP have three colours so be creative lol

As each Constituency/Place is decided after the votes are counted the results are broadcast live on the BBC that night, so we feel it only proper to turn this results show into a drinking contest.

Rules and Regs:

1. When your party wins a constituency (place) drink.
2. When your party loses a constituency that it should win (i.e won last time) drink.
3. Every time the Liberal Democrats win a seat do two fingers of your drink.
4. Every time 'Hung Parliament' is mentioned last person to stand up has to down their drink.
5. The names Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg are all banned from being mentioned during the game, if someone should say one of these names, they will be punished with a shot to drink ...
6. If the TV results cut to Northampton South (i.e our constituency as students in Northampton) or the word Northampton is mentioned at all on the show, everyone in the room does a shot!
7. In the unlikely even that either UKIP, BNP, GREEN or Monster Raving Loony party's win a seat/constituency then the supporters of said teams shall have to do a funnel of death ...
8. There are no rules.
9. Rules are subject to change/addition at any moment.

Rock on.

p.s excessive drinking is not condoned or endorsed by this blog, drink in moderation.